Sports Briefs: 01-12-11

Falcon women just outside of top 25
The Bowling Green State University women’s basketball team is ranked 26th with 34 points in this week’s
USA Today/ESPN women’s basketball poll.
The Falcons, 14-1 overall, were ranked 28th with 26 points last week. The poll is elsewhere on this page
Lake girls ranked sixth
COLUMBUS – Lake’s girls basketball team is ranked sixth in the initial girls state Division III poll.
The Flyers, 10-0 overall, received 66 points. The poll is elsewhere on this page today.
BGHS lacrosse meeting planned
The final organizational meeting for the boys Bowling Green High School Lacrosse Club is Thursday night
at 7 in the high school library.
If you cannot attend, contact Dan DeWitt at (419) 352-6422.
Price earns service award
PERRYSBURG – Dale Price recently received the Outstanding Service Award from the Perrysburg Soccer Club.

Price had 11 years of service from the club ranging from referee assignor, member of the board of
directors, vice-president and president and liaison to the Perrysburg Youth Soccer Association.
PH to host youth basketball tournaments
HAMLER – The Patrick Henry Athletic Boosters will be hosting fifth and sixth grade youth basketball
The girls tournament will be Feb. 26-27, while the boys tournament is March 5-6. All games will be played
at the high school and attached middle school.
Tournament cost is $100 and limited to the first eight teams per grade level. For information on the
girls’ tournament contact Lori Tietje at (419) 274-8215. For information on the boys’ tournament contact
Mike Meyer at (419) 722-2493.
Woodmore Memorial Day baseball tournament
WOODVILLE – The Woodmore Memorial Day 12-U and 14-U baseball tournament will run May 25-30.
For more information contact Mike Sorg at (419) 836-9826; or e-mail at [email protected].