Wood burner fire causes minor damage to Weston home

WESTON – A fire caused by an ember from a wood burner damaged a residence in the village Feb. 3.
According to Weston Fire Chief Randy Tolles, at 8:56 p.m. a call was received of a chimney fire at a
two-story residence at 13235 Silver Street. Four units responded.
Tolles said the fire was found not in the chimney, but beneath the floorboards near the wood burner in
the residence. The flooring was removed to put out the fire, and both residents in the house escaped
without injury.
According to Tolles, a hot ember from the wood burner somehow got beneath the floorboards and cause the
fire. He said that the house was still habitable, and that the fire caused minimal damage, estimated at
$2,000, and restricted to the area in front of the wood burner.