Parks ban animal waste on farmland

A local environmental activist asked the Wood County Park District to be aware of – and prevent – animal
waste from being dumped on property that it farms out.
At Monday’s park board meeting, Vickie Askins, Cygnet, said she most concerned about property in the
Bradner Preserve. She fears that if a mega dairy farm is ever built in Cygnet, some of the liquid manure
would be shipped to this property and the park board could be liable for any environmental damage.
Park District Director Neil Munger said the contracts with farmers for park land prohibits sewage and
sludge, but some board members wondered it that covered liquid animal waste.
Earlier in the meeting, the board renewed a two-year lease agreement for farming of 60 acres at the
Carter-Loomis Farm Park in Center Township. The board approved the agreement for $8,075.
After hearing Askins’ concerns, the board amended the contract to include banning animal waste, along
with sewage and sludge, unless the board gives permission.
The amendment does not pertain to the Bradner Preserve farmer. After the meeting, Munger said that they
are in the middle of a two-year contract and it could not be amended. The land involved there is 61.5
tillable acres.
Askins and her husband, Larry, were awarded the 2010 Environmental Watchdog Award from the Ohio
Environmental Council.
After the meeting, Askins said she is concerned about the proposed Naomi Dairy Farm in Cygnet and its
manure being put into farm fields around the county.
Also at the meeting, Munger said he is considering recommending the board approve taking out four
payphones located in two parks. With the use of cell phones, the pay phones are hardly worth the $225
per month cost, he said.
Three phones are located in the Bowling Green, Rudolph and North Baltimore areas of the Slippery Elm
Trail. Another is at Otsego Park.
"They get little to no use," Munger said.
They are even an inconvenience sometimes, when prank calls are made from them.
Board member Mary Krueger asked him to check if there were policies regarding payphones at other area
Also at the meeting, the board:
¥ Approved creating a ranger sergeant position at the request of Chief Ranger Todd Nofzinger. The
sergeant would be a nightshift supervisor, overseeing the closing of the parks and assisting Nofzinger
so he doesn’t have to be continually on call. Munger said there is only one ranger, Ernie Shiffler, who
is qualified. He added that Shiffler would be bumped up a pay grade, but there would be no salary
increase since his current wage is within the new range.
¥ Agreed to purchase two Chevrolet Impalas at $19,012 each for rangers. This decision had been postponed
over questions about whether rangers would be better suited to four-wheel drive vehicles. Munger said
the rangers never venture into the woods and that Nofzinger had approved the Impalas purchase.
¥ Gave Munger permission to apply for a Clean Ohio Trail Grant application that could provide funds for a
bike trail that stretches from Toledo into Wood County. The park district’s portion ends on Bates Road.
Munger said eight years ago the board pledged $50,000 toward the project.
¥ Went into an executive session to discuss land acquisition and personnel. No action was taken.