Local arts groups get state funding

Wood County arts organizations have received funding in the recently announced grants through the Ohio
Arts Council.
The state council’s fiscal year 2010/2011 biennium budget of $13,188,578 represents a 38-percent
reduction from the final 2008/2009 appropriation.
The OAC will award 498 grants for a total of $4,654,239 to support arts organizations and arts programs
across Ohio compared to 480 grants totaling $7,876,540 in fiscal year 2009.
Organizations that receive OAC funds are required to match state tax dollars with additional public and
private funds.
In Wood County, three Bowling Green groups received a total of $6,611, Perrysburg groups received $3,539
and Pemberville received $1,210.
Receiving OAC grants were:
¥ Black Swamp Arts Festival, $1,553, operating support.
¥ Bowling Green State University Fine Arts Center Galleries, $3,587, operating support.
¥ William Midden, of Bowling Green, a $1,471 Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Grant to support an Irish
music and dance apprenticeship.
¥ Pemberville Freedom Area Historical Society Inc., for the Pemberville Opera House, operating support.

¥ Perrysburg Area Arts Council, $2,393 in operating support.
¥ Prizm Creative Community, of Perrysburg, $1,146, operating support.