Organizations: 9-23

Custar American Legion Auxiliary
CUSTAR – Unit No. 305 held its first meeting for the fall on Sept. 8. It was a potluck with 18 people
present, including two guests.
Melinda Bolback, a state of Ohio inspector for the railroad system, gave a slide presentation on rail
safety. She noted that 50 percent of all train accidents happen within five miles from home, and every
two hours a person or vehicle is struck by a train. Safety leaflets, pens, notepaper and key chains were
Ken Gilsdorf, with the CXS community affairs safety office, also spoke.
President Marie Wensink led the business meeting which followed. Treasurer Joanne Wensink reported the
unit needs only nine more members’ dues to be at 100 percent of goal.
Members voted to give Chris Gambrill, who is working toward his Eagle Scout badge, a donation of $25 to
be used toward refinishing the cannon which is outside the legion building.
The Milton School librarian sent thanks for the unit’s donation of two books. Emalee Kernisan, the unit’s
2009 representative to Buckeye Girls State, also sent a thank you.
Cards were signed by everyone to be sent to Bill Boyer and to Trent Konrad, who is serving in the armed
The next auxiliary meeting will be Oct. 13 at 7 p.m., when the members will be making fleece blankets.

Nov. 10 is the Veterans Day dinner at 6:30 p.m. Girl and Boys State representatives will give their
There will be a cookie exchange Dec. 8 at 7 p.m.
Salon 741
Le Chapeau Departe-mental d’Ohio Gloria Verbee and national awards member Tammy Firsdon, partners of Wood
County Salon 741, attended the 88th annual La Marche National in Louisville, Ky. Aug. 27-29.
Le Chapeau National Marcy Schmidt of Departe-mental d’Minnesota was the presiding officer. Her project
was the art therapy program at National Jewish Health in Denver. Artwork may be used as a diagnostic
tool, particularly with children, who often have trouble talking about painful events or emotions. Art
therapists say that children can often express difficult emotions or relay information about traumatic
events more easily through drawings than via conventional therapy.
The Eight and Forty is a subsidiary organization of the American Legion Auxiliary. It assists in the
prevention and control of tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis and other respiratory illnesses in children.
Local salons adopt children with such illnesses, assist with asthma camps and local hospitals and
clinics that treat children. Each year the organization also awards 20 different $3,000 nurses
scholarships to those entering the nursing field of respiratory illnesses.
La Marche concluded with a banquet and installation of newly elected officers. At this time Verbeke was
installed as national pouvoir member d’Ohio, Salon 23.