Church events 7-17

Pastor Paul Lehenbauer’s sermon Sunday at Abiding Word Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "The Word
of the Lord Stands Forever."
Pastor David Gugger’s sermon Sunday at Bowling Green Alliance Church will be "Why do I Need a
Evangelist Harold Driver’s sermon Sunday morning at Bowling Green Church of Christ will be All the Words
of This Life." Michael McCurdy will preach at the 1 p.m. service with the title, "Christian
"It is What’s Inside That Counts," will be Rev. Michael Malanga’s message Sunday at Bowling
Green Covenant Church.
Brookside Church will hold its Sunday gathering at City Park.
Rev. Mack Armstrong’s sermon Sunday at Cloverdale United Methodist Church will be "Capricious Crown
Confesses Confession."
Rev. Brent Pomeroy’s sermon Sunday at First Christian Church will be "One in Christ." An ice
cream social will be Sunday evening.
Pastor Gary Saunders’ sermon Sunday at First Presbyterian Church will be "On the Road Again."
An ice cream social will held Tuesday from 6 to 9 p.m.
Pastor Tom Mellott’s sermon Sunday at First United Methodist Church will be "A People Like Us: Loved
by God."
The sermon Sunday by Curtis Miller, pastor, at Grace Brethren Church will be "Living Relationally
Within the Family Unit According to the Word of God: Women, Wives, Mothers."
The program Sunday at Maumee Valley Unitarian Universalist Congregation will be a Taize service by Bruce
Pastor Dan Vellinga’s message Sunday at Plain Congregational Church will be "One for All."
Ken Medema will be the special guest for both traditional services at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Sunday.
He also will hold a special concert between services.
Rev. Eric McGlade’s sermon Sunday at Trinity United Methodist Church will be "Greater Than the Need,
How can This Be?"
Pastor Larry Whatley’s sermon Sunday at Turning Point United Methodist Church will be "Is Everything
OK With Your Soul?"
The sermon by David K. Boswell, minister, Sunday at Village View Church of Christ be "Miracles of
Jesus: Healing the Boy at Caparnaum."
"True Contentment, Part 3," will be Dr. David Lindeblad’s sermon Sunday morning at Wood County
Baptist Church.
Pastor David Miller’s sermon Sunday at Trinity United Methodist Church will be "Like Sheep Without a
Preacher Dan Horner’s sermon Sunday at Bradner Community Christian Church will be "Revelation: Clear
as Mud, part 29." An informal Bible study will be held at 9 a.m.
"Finding our Place on the Pyramid," will be Rev. James T. Caldwell’s sermon Sunday at Bradner
United Methodist Church.
Rev. David Miller’s sermon Sunday at Faith United Methodist Church will be "Like Sheep Without a
Shepherd." The Bible School begins Sunday, with the program to be held Thursday.
Pastor Timothy Rothfuss’ sermon Sunday at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "Good Shepherd
The community brat and hot dog roast is Sunday evening.
Guest speaker Brad Wells will preach Sunday at Christ’s Bible Church.
Pastor Susan St. Peter’s sermon Sunday at Union United Methodist Church will be "Who Recognizes the
"Merit Badges for God," will be the guest speaker Lisa Hatfield’s message Sunday at First
Presbyterian Church.
Rev. Jennifer Jackson’s sermon Sunday at Haskins Community Church will be "Refueling Your
"A Vacation That Didn’t Happen," will be Pastor Rick Adams’ message Sunday at Hoytville United
Methodist Church.
Pastor Ron Shinkle’s message Sunday at Lemoyne Baptist Church will be "The Rich Fool. When Money is
not Enough."
Pastor Peter Johnston’s sermon Sunday at Faith United Methodist Church will be "How to Feed 5,000
Unexpected Guests."
Pastor Jeanne English’s sermon title ///for the SonFire service/// Sunday at Zion Lutheran Church will be
"Come Together."
Lyle Shiffert will be the guest speaker Sunday at Zion United Methodist Church.
The bishop’s assistant Pastor Dennis Maurer will lead the worship Sunday at St. Paul Lutheran Church.
"A Vacation That Didn’t Happen," will be Pastor Rick Adams’ message Sunday at St. James United
Methodist Church.
Pastor Ralph Mineo’s sermon topic Sunday at St. Luke’s Evangelical Lutheran Church will be
"Spiritual Growth 6: Jesus.," the final in the series. Vacation Bible School begins Sunday
with closing program on Thursday at 7:45 p.m.
Pastor Matthew Musteric’s sermon Sunday at Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church will be
Elder Tim Warrick’s sermon Sunday at First United Presbyterian Church will be "The Love of
Pastor Peter Johnston’s sermon Sunday at Pemberville United Methodist Church will be "How to Feed
5,000 Unexpected Guests."
Rev. Bruce McDaniel’s sermon Sunday at Christ United Methodist Church will be "Guess Who’s Coming to
Pastor Ernie Unholz’s sermon Sunday at Rudolph Christian Church will be "Down We Go."
Pastor Robert E. May’s sermon Sunday at Stony Ridge United Methodist Church will be "Jesus’
Spiritual Life."
Pastor John Randall’s sermon Sunday at Sugar Ridge Community Church will be "The Alfie
"Joshua" will be the movie on Saturday night.
Pastor Chris Boggs’ sermon Sunday at Sonlight Christian Assembly of God will be "Developing our
Personalities." The family bike ride will begin Saturday at 9 a.m. at the pastor’s home.
Rick Broughton’s message Sunday at Weston Church of Christ will be "It’s all About Choices."

Rev. James Stewart’s sermon Sunday at Weston United Methodist Church will be "The Need to Stop, Look
and Listen."