Householders hold 62nd family reunion in Bowling Green

The 62nd L.A. Householder reunion was held July 19 in Wesley Hoffman Shelter at Bowling Green City Park.

Melvin Householder of Findlay, the last of seven sons to serve as president, led the pledge. Betty Ann
Smith of Fostoria, the oldest living daughter, offered the prayer prior to the potluck dinner.
Children played games with prizes awarded by Dianna Brothertown, Bowling Green.
Two tables held items of memorabilia and photos of Lawrence and Verna Householder and family.
Ila Banbury, Bowling Green, gave the treasurer’s report during the business meeting.
The group voted to have the 2010 reunion at Bowling Green City Park.
In conjunction with the reunion the 45th House-holder Open was held July 18 at Lakeland Golf Course. In
the men’s division the champion trophy went to T.J. Spoors, Findlay. Women’s division champion trophy
was won by Virginia Develvis, Findlay.
This year the twin sons of Lawrence Householder Sr. of Bloomdale, Grant and Garret, played for the first
time. They played with their pro "Uncle Walt" Householder, who has played in all 45 events.