Senior Briefs: 9-18

Dementia film viewing Sept. 21
PERRYSBURG – "Inside Looking Out," a film viewing and discussion about Early Stage Dementia,
will be offered Monday at the Way Public Library, 101 E. Indiana Ave. The program will run from 10 to
11:30 a.m.
In this short film, several persons who have early state Alzheimer’s disease talk openly about the impact
of the disease on their lives, about their feelings and about how they are coping. The openness of the
participants helps to eliminate the stigma which often surrounds Alzheimer’s disease. A discussion will
follow the film viewing.
This program is especially good for person who are experiencing mild memory impairment and who want to
learn more about dementia in an honest and supportive environment.
The same program will be offered on a later date, Oct. 7 at 4 p.m., at the Heatherdowns branch of the
Toledo/Lucas County Library.
Friends of Portage Valley meet
PEMBERVILLE – Friends of Otterbein Portage Valley will have a brief business meeting and installation of
officers Thursday, Sept. 24, at 7 p.m.
It will be held in the OPV auditorium, at 20311 Pemberville Road.
The public is invited to come, get acquainted and learn how easy it is to become a member. There will be
musical entertainment and refreshments will be served.