Bradner gains police officer, but member of BPA resigns

BRADNER – The village lost and gained workers during Thursday’s brief council meeting.
John Piper submitted to Mayor Virgil Shull Jr. his letter of resignation from the Board for Public
Affairs, which council accepted. Piper served about one-and-a-half years on the board.
Also leaving the village’s employ is Patrolman Ed Weideman. Following a five-minute executive session to
discuss personnel, council accepted his resignation.
Former Patrolman Richard Feltner, who resigned from the department a few weeks ago, was re-sworn in to
the Bradner Police Department. During council’s Aug. 6 meeting Police Chief John Chandler reported
Feltner had resigned to work for Ottawa County, but that he had called to ask about coming back since he
didn’t like the job.
Feltner joins officers Robert Carlson and Charles Broshious who were sworn in during the Aug. 6 meeting.

Fiscal Officer Jan Stump reported the pool levy renewal, which will go on the November ballot, will run
from 2009 to 2013, not 2010 to 2014. After the meeting she said the renewal will be for the same amount,
at 0.5-mills.
Fire Chief Jim Smith reported the fire department purchased 12 lengths of hose and some collapsible cones
for the new fire truck out of fundraising monies.
Guest Rodney Wright refuted a statement in the Aug. 17 zoning minutes that he and his wife, Kathleen,
were refusing to replace their sidewalk. At issue are surveying questions about where the new sidewalk
should go. Shull informed the Wrights he was told the area was surveyed two weeks ago, but he had not
received any report from it.
When Wright raised other questions, Wildman responded, "Why don’t you run for council? There were
four seats up. You should sit in our seats just one year."
It was agreed the park restrooms should be opened in the morning by the street commissioner and locked at
night by police since residents are still using the park.