Four burglaries in Perrysburg Township under investigation

PERRYSBURG – Township police are investigating four burglaries that occurred on the same day earlier this
According to Perrysburg Township Police Department, burglaries were reported Aug. 6 at two residences in
the 9000 block of Ford Road between about 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., and in the 11000 block of Riverbend
Court East near the Belmont Country Club between about 1:15 and 8:30 p.m. Two more burglaries were
reported at an apartment complex between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. and between 2 and 11:30 p.m. in the 7000
block of Fox Creek Drive.
"The one at Ford and the one at Riverbend are related, and we’re not sure if it’s tied into the
ones" at Fox Creek, said Det. Mark Hetrick, with the township police.
Hetrick said the burglaries are still under investigation and that the department cannot yet release any
specific details on possible suspects. Officers are following up on some leads, he said.
The suspects forced entry into the residences, he said. Targeted items for the burglaries included
jewelry, flat-screen televisions, computers and cash.
"People need to obviously keep their doors locked, their vehicles locked (and) just be aware even
during the day," he said. "Most burglaries happen during the day, and people need to be aware
of cars that don’t belong in the area and call the police right away."