Lifestyle Briefs: 9-19

BG Woman’s Club hosts workshop for job seekers
The Woman’s Club of Bowling Green is teaming up with Job Solutions of Wood County, and the Penta Adult
and Continuing Education Career Center to host a workshop for anyone interested in advancing their job
prospects and career goals. The workshop is on Sept. 30 from 6:30 to 8 p.m., at the Woman’s Club
clubhouse, 134 N. Prospect at Court Street.
Mary DeWitt and the Job Solutions staff will discuss resume development and cover letters, interviewing
techniques, websites for job searchers, and information about navigating the web site:
Penta’s student services coordinator, Cindy Covington, will provide information about classes and
training in health, business and computer careers, along with skilled trade occupations at Penta Career
Center, plus information on GED preparation and testing.
Light refreshments will be provided, as well as several door prizes for those attending.
This should be a comfortable atmosphere.
For more information, call Mary DeWitt at (419) 352-4172 or Cindy Covington at (419) 661-6181.
Crossroads quilters to meet
NORTH BALTIMORE – The North Baltimore Crossroads Quilt club will meet Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. at St. James
Methodist Church in North Baltimore.
The business meeting is held at 12:30 p.m. followed by show and tell.
The group will finalize plans for the upcoming program with Jennifer Morlock.
Quilters will then learn the "thangle" pattern in conjunction with the next Linus Project
Anyone interested in quilting is welcome to attend.
Quilters are asked to bring $2 per meeting to cover church utilities and club expenses.
Questions may be directed to Esther Nagel at (419) 669-2226 or [email protected]