Church at Cherry’s begins Tuesday

PEMBERVILLE – Pastors Jim Miller and Matt Musteric are joining forces to focus on various religious
subjects outside the traditional church walls.
Beginning Tuesday the pastors of First United Presbyterian Church and Bethlehem Lutheran, respectively,
will host four Tuesday night sessions at a local watering hole in the village.
Cherry’s Pub, 211 E. Front St., Pemberville will play host to the events which will include serious
issues and live discussion in an informal, friendly surrounding. The public is invited to attend.
The series will begin this coming Tuesday with the topic of "The End?" Among the questions
which will be addressed are: What happens at the end of all things? What about "the Rapture?"
and What does it mean to live in the here and now?
Those attending are welcome to purchase something to eat or drink as they desire. The program will begin
with a brief presentation on the evening’s topic, then Miller and Musteric, will then open the
discussion to those in attendance for questions and conversation.
The July 28 program will be "God and the Problem of Evil." Questions addressed will include how
God allows suffering and evil; and how people can understand sin and evil.
On Aug. 11 the program will be "The Way, the Truth and the Life?" The discussion will focus on
the relationship of Christianity to other religions and why different religions teach different things.

The Aug. 25 program is billed as "Open Forum: Grill the Pastors." Those attending are asked to
bring questions on any topic theological to see if the presenters will answer easily or if they will
squirm a bit.
For more information contact Bethlehem church at (419) 287-4182.