Church Events: 9-18

Pastor Luke Ulrich’s sermon Sunday at Abiding Word Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "Jesus, the
Divine Healer, has Come to Help Us."
"Risk," will be Pastor Dennis Gugger’s sermon continuing his "Core Values" series on
Sunday at Bowling Green Alliance Church.
Evangelist Harold Driver’s sermon Sunday morning at Bowling Green Church of Christ will be "The
Bible’s ‘Useless’ Verses." Michael McCurdy’s topic at the 1 p.m. service is "Christians."

"Trusting the Truth or Believing Lies: Why Being a new Creation Means Changing the way we Think and
Live," will be Rev. Michael Malanga’s message Sunday at Bowling Green Covenant Church.
Pastor Kevin Crawford will be speaking on "Held Hostage by Worries," Sunday at Brookside
Rev. Mack Armstrong’s sermon Sunday at Cloverdale United Methodist Church will be "Protracted Party
Produced Paralysis."
Ron and Elena England, the missionaries to Hawaii, will provide a missionary report Sunday morning at
First Baptist Church. Pastor Brian Snyder’s evening message will be "Sowing and Reaping."
Rev. Brent Pomeroy’s sermon Sunday at First Christian Church will be "The Honor of Last Place."

A fundraiser for the 2010 mission trip will follow the worship.
Pastor Mary Jane Saunders’ sermon Sunday at First Presbyterian Church will be "The Invisible
Pastor Tom Mellott’s sermon Sunday at First United Methodist Church will be "The Science of
The program Sunday at Maumee Valley Unitarian Universalist Congregation will be "Coping With
God," by Rev. Ken Phifer.
Pastor Dan Vellinga’s message Sunday at Plain Congregational Church will be "United in one
Pastor Dale Schaefer’s theme for both traditional services at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church will be "He
is Risen. He is Risen, Indeed!"" Pastor Darrell Cousino’s topic for the 11 a.m. praise service
is "Total Reversal."
"Misplaced Concerns," will be Rev. Eric McGlade’s sermon Sunday at Trinity United Methodist
Pastor Larry Whatley’s sermon Sunday at Turning Point United Methodist Church will be "Are you
Living Beneath Your Privilege?"
The sermon by David K. Boswell, minister, Sunday at Village View Church of Christ be "Miracles of
Jesus: Healing the Paralyzed Man."
"Looking Into the Future Through the Word of God, Part 7," will be Dr. David Lindeblad’s sermon
Sunday morning at Wood County Baptist Church.
Pastor David Miller’s sermon Sunday at Trinity United Methodist Church will be "The Beatitudes:
Preacher Dan Horner’s sermon Sunday at Bradner Community Christian Church will be "Revelation: Clear
as Mud, part 37." An informal Bible study precedes the worship.
Pastor Garry Yarborouugh will lead the special Liberty Township Sunday School Convention and community
worship Sunday at Custar United Methodist Church. Jericho Road will bring the message. (See story
elsewhere on these pages.)
Rev. David Miller’s sermon Sunday at Faith United Methodist Church will be "The Beatitudes:
Pastor Timothy Rothfuss’ sermon Sunday at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "Spiritual
Priorities – Getting Them Right."
Pastor Dale Smeltzer’s message Sunday at Christ’s Bible Church will be "My Brother’s Keeper."

"Women for Wire," will be Pastor Pamela Gordon’s message Sunday at First Presbyterian Church.
Members will celebrate the church’s 161st birthday with a potluck after the service.
Rev. Jennifer Jackson’s sermon Sunday at Haskins Community Church will be "Serving the World Through
‘Different’ Eyes."
Pastor Chad Huebner’s theme Sunday at St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "Let the
Children Come."
Pastor Rick Adams’ message Sunday at Hoytville United Methodist Church will be "Where is the Best
Place to Find God?"
Pastor Ron Shinkle’s message Sunday at Lemoyne Baptist Church will be "What is the Meaning of
Pastor Jeanne English’s sermon title Sunday at Zion Lutheran Church will be "Running With the Cross
– Coming in Last."
Pastor Melissa Steinecker’s sermon topic Sunday at Zion United Methodist Church will be "Spiritual
Laws of Attraction."
"Admission, Confessions," will be Pastor Andy Wilson’s sermon Sunday at St. Paul Lutheran
Pastor Rick Adams’ message Sunday at St. James United Methodist Church will be "Where is the Best
Place to Find God?"
Pastor Ralph Mineo’s sermon topic Sunday at St. Luke’s Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "St.
Luke’s Lutheran Restaurant." There will be a healing service at 7 p.m.
There will be a Bible blessing on Sunday at Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church as part of the worship.
Fourth-graders will receive Bibles from the congregation.
Pastor Jim Miller’s sermon Sunday at First United Presbyterian Church will be "Come and Hear, Take
and Read."
There will be no service Sunday at Rudolph Christian Church or Philippian United Methodist Church to
allow members to attend the Liberty Township Sunday School Convention and Community Worship at Custar
United Methodist Church. (See story elsewhere on these pages.)
Pastor Daniel Beaudoin’s sermon Sunday at St. John Lutheran Church will be "Give Us Wisdom O
Pastor Robert E. May’s sermon Sunday at Stony Ridge United Methodist Church will be "A new way of
Pastor John Randall’s sermon Sunday at Sugar Ridge Community Church will be "The Fugitive’s Sure
Pastor Mark Montgomery’s sermon Sunday at Calvary United Methodist Church will be "This a
The Sunday morning message at Tontogany Presbyterian Church will be "Out of the Pit – Finally."
The children’s message will be "Dream Weaver."
Pastor John Merseth’s theme Sunday at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church will be "Remain Strong in
God’s Word."
Pastor Chris Boggs’ sermon Sunday at Sonlight Christian Assembly of God will continue his "End
Times" series with , "Celebration and Tribulation."
Otsego students and parents will gather Wednesday at 7 a.m. at the school’s flagpole court for "See
you at the Pole."
Rick Broughton’s message Sunday at Weston Church of Christ will be "Why Baptism?"
Rev. James Stewart’s sermon Sunday at Weston United Methodist Church will be "What God Expects of
There will be no service Sunday at South Liberty United Methodist Church to allow members to attend the
Liberty Township Sunday School Convention and Community Worship at Custar United Methodist Church. (See
story elsewhere on these pages.)