Lake Twp. plans jobs summit Oct. 7

MILLBURY – The first "summit" of the Lake Township Jobs Initiative Project will be held Oct. 7
at 5:30 p.m. in the administration building off Cummings Road and Ohio 795.
The township trustees will host a joint business/governmental jobs initiative summit, inviting business
owners, property owners and residents to discuss job attraction and retention.
Following introductions and a briefing of the initiative by the trustees, the participants will meet as
an open and interactive group to brainstorm.
The manta of the initiative is "planes, trains, trucks = jobs, jobs, jobs."
Topics of discussion will include: job retention, job attraction, marketing strategies of the township,
identification of growth corridors, the roll-out of the new Web site with local business links, how to
streamline the governmental process to aid development, identification of regional resources and
investigation of grants available.
The meeting will be the first of many demonstrating the partnership of business and the township.