New venture trades in inner magic

Opening a new business is a dream for many people.
Being Magic Creations LLC, a new venture by artist, writer and teacher Melanie Stinson and drama
professor and thespian Michael Ellison, literally got its start in a dream.
Stinson was dreaming that she was being pulled down a drain. She was fearful, not knowing what awaited
her below, imagining a dark underworld. But in the dream she surrendered to the force drawing her
downward and she discovered a magical world, a place bursting with color and energy.
When she woke she wanted to record the experience. Instead of jumping on the computer and writing it out,
she created a collage version of the story.
This visual tale captivated her friend Ellison. A professor of theater at Bowling Green State University,
he envisioned this as a show, three shows even.
Working together they came up with a 22-page treatment for a Cirque du Soleil type performance.
That was just the beginning.
“We are both very committed to how the arts can be used to open people up to new possibilities,” Ellison
said. “That became the foundation for Being Magic Creations.”
From this vision they conceived ways in which they can engage people.
One of those ways are through their trademarked SPLEZZAZZ! Extraordinary Possibilities Parties.
The inaugural party will be held Saturday from 7:30 to 10 p.m. in Asherah’s Garden Holistic Boutique, 
315 N. Grove St., Bowling Green.
Party attendees, who are encouraged to come dressed in “magical attire,” which could be anything
colorful, comfortable, or heroic,  will get a chance to play at five different stations. One allows them
to decorate themselves or their clothes. Another to interact with oracle cards, or explore the qualities
of crystals.
These “transformation stations,” Ellison said, “will assist people to playfully look at themselves
through different perspectives. Ellison said they hope to expand the options for stations to allow those
wishing to chose a party to have a full menu to chose from.
They also offer workshops, or “playshops.” The first was at The Center for Creative Living in  Monclova.
That one was aimed  “exploring ways to break through the blocks, the walls, or challenges that we find
ourselves running into,” he said.
They are planning another tentatively set for July 19 at the Toledo Artists Club in the Toledo Botanical
That event, Magical Artists,  will help bring out attendees’ inner artist, in part by silencing their
“inner critic,” or at least making that voice a coach, Stinson said.
“We’re all artists in our own way,” Ellison said.  “Let the critic part drop away … let that go so
we’re able to explore our own individualized expression. … We do believe everyone is magical in their
own way. That runs through all our work.”
By work, he means both their collaboration in the multifaceted Being Magic venture, but also their own
individual work.
For Ellison that includes the shows he’s written, such as “Key Change,” and for Stinson its her artwork
and her work with clients as a reiki teacher.
As for the show,  “Being Magic: A Journey to (W)holeness,” Stinson said they hope to get it staged
locally and beyond that nationally.
“There are many branches to this business,” she said.
Being Magic Creations can be contacted through its Facebook page BeingMagicCreations or by email at:
[email protected].