Groups: United Women Educators

Eighteen members and three guests were welcomed by United Women Educators President, Lois Zeh, at the first meeting of the year on Sept. 19.

The meeting was held at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Pemberville, beginning at 6 p.m. A delicious potluck was enjoyed by all.

For the program the following three recipients of our UWE mini-grant scholarships shared information about their special project that UWE helped fund:

1. Allison Mills from Otsego H.S. explained that students are enjoying and learning from her semester long, elective class about the science behind sewing and fiber arts. Her UWE scholarship helped her purchase start-up materials and tools for this class.

2. Bethany Bombi, art teacher from Kenwood Elementary School in BG, discussed the overwhelming success of BG schools’ elementary art departments hosting a “Miniature Art Show” and reception at the Wood Co. Library this past spring. Ms. Bombi used her UWE scholarship to purchase miniature canvases, frames, and easels to display the art work of her 4th and 5th grade students. Her students’ artwork incorporated some aspect of a space (ex. Eclipse) theme.

3. Jennifer Moorman, art teacher at Eastwood H. S., used her UWE scholarship to purchases art supplies and other materials for a special project, “Eagle Artist Market”, where her students made various art projects and learned how to promote and market their art.

Since Marny Mazzarella and Amy Farrar were unable to attend the UWE meeting in person, President Zeh read a letter from them, thanking UWE for their mini-grant scholarship. Their project involved the Yellow Oak Club at Perrysburg H.S. helping sponsor the Harbor Walk for Hope, that’s purpose is to promote mental wellness among teens and beyond. The UWE funds were used to purchase snacks and supplies for the various stations set up along the walkway at Woodlands Park.

The UWE treasurer, Cheryl Sharp reported that we paid BG Women’s Club our half for the special recycled material park bench for use by the Adult Basic Day Care Center that is housed at the Wood County Senior Center.

The next item of business involved UWE First Vice President Joan Slebos sharing information about the various programs for the upcoming year. Members received a handout of the year’s program information to put in their UWE folder. A brief summary of UWE year’s programming includes the following:

1. “Trends in Education” presented by Todd Cramer

2. Silent Auction fundraiser/Christmas Dinner at BG Country Club

3. Black Swamp Spinners Guild

4. Killers of the Flower Moon discussion of book/movie and background/history, led by member Joan Slebos.

5. Forest Time Kindergarten with Sherri Dauer, presenter

President Zeh noted that on the program handout was a list of volunteers who volunteered to help drive members to meetings.

Zeh shared a letter from Kim Roessner representing BG Women’s Club, inviting our organization/members to come to their next meeting at First Christian Church in BG on Oct. 2. Sue Hess encouraged those attending this meeting to bring cans of food with pop tabs. Hess also explained the Women’s Club Basket Raffle fundraiser, which will be held in November.

Thank you’s were given to the evening’s social committee of Sharon Nigh, Cheryl Sharp, Teri Hansen, and Pattie Jo Butler.

The next UWE meeting will be held on Nov. 12 at 6:30 p.m. Todd Cramer will be the presenter.