Perrysburg sweeps NLL boys, girls titles

Perrysburg junior Kaelyn Becken crosses the finish line, placing third at the Northern Lakes League Buckeye Division race, and helping the Yellow Jackets win a team championship. (Albert Onderko | Sentinel-Tribune)

FREMONT—The defending Division I state champion Perrysburg girls cross country team easily won the Northern Lakes League Buckeye Division championship Saturday at Fremont’s Walsh Park.

The Yellow Jackets scored 20 points to defeat Findlay (75), Sylvania Northview (76), Toledo Whitmer (93) and Anthony Wayne (97).

Whitmer junior Lily Good won the individual championship with a time of 18:12.3, but Perrysburg took the next six spots.

Perrysburg senior Ava Beeks was second in 18:26.7, just over 14 seconds behind Good.

Perrysburg junior Kaelyn Becken (18:59.7) was third, freshman Lexi Schultz (19:07) was fourth, senior Natalie Sanders (19:29.6) was fifth, junior Brayleigh Becken (19:30.5) was sixth and sophomore Carly Friar (19:41.8) was seventh.

Perrysburg senior Laura Valette rounded out the Perrysburg runners by finishing in 15th with a time of 20:57.8.

“The key to victory was the minute time gap between our one and five runners,” Perrysburg coach Jon Monheim said. “I was especially proud of how the girls responded after getting out a bit slow but really pushing the middle mile.”

“This was a good start in the championship season with our eyes on improving a bit each week until the district meet on Saturday.”

Jackets complete sweep

The Perrysburg boys team completed the Yellow Jackets’ sweep of the NLL Buckeye Division championships Saturday.

Led by senior Anthony Clark, who won an individual championship, finishing in 15:26.3, the Yellow Jackets scored 43 points to beat out second place AW (48). Northview (58) was third, followed by Findlay (87) and Whitmer (140).

For Perrysburg, junior Kenneth Morgan Jr (16:02.8) placed seventh, sophomore Noah Madden (16:32.2) placed 10th, sophomore Zachary Dellisanti (16:49.6) placed 12th, junior Dylan Szepiela (16:512.1) placed 13th, freshman Lane Gazarek (16:54.2) placed 14th, and junior Ethan Williamson (16:56.7) placed 15th.

“Our boys ran well today,” Perrysburg coach Keith Madaras said. “Our pack stayed together and moved up in the last mile to get the job done.

“Anthony ran real well and felt smooth from start to finish. I’m also very proud of our JV guys as they really pushed today and won the league for the ninth time in ten years.”

Clark had set a new school record this season of 15:16.18 at the Olentangy Berlin Bear Den Dash in Delaware, Ohio on September 28, which Perrysburg finished 10th at as a team.

Clark also ran in 15:31 at the Trinity/Valkyrie Invite at E.P. Sawyer Park in Louisville, Kentucky, where the team also placed 10th. That time for Clark was 21st individually, bringing together many of the nation’s best programs.

Clark was second at the Tiffin Carnival with a time of 15:41, and Perrysburg took third as a team.