Wake up Perrysburg, vote no for school levy

To the editor,

The brilliant greedy Perrysburg School District administration is asking for a new Levy this November at the top end of the ever increasing incremental levy without knowing the future economy while they insure they have a steady ever increasing flow of your tax money. This gives them inflation protection with fixed increases while you have no similar guarantee of wage increases.

WAKE UP PERRYSBURG – they are asking for an EIGHT YEAR incremental levy with an estimated TWO MILLION ($2,000,000) per year or SIXTEEN MILLLION ($16,000,000) NEW TAXES beyond the current taxes collected!

The 8 year levy has never been done in the history of the Perrysburg School District as all previous levies were 4 years as other school districts term of Levies. During the term of their levy your property WILL be revalued two times causing more tax increases!

Your county of residence re-values your property every three (3) years meaning an increase in all levies and an indicator of the economy of your District. Perrysburg has been consistentlyincreasing dramatically as most all communities due to a housing shortage and less new construction.

Renewal all levies =- at previous voted upon using current levy rates during term of new levy.

Replacement all levies =- new higher percentage than renewal based upon current property values.

In addition Perrysburg abuses the Incremental levy that progressively increases during the term of the levy even if your spendable income and cost of living decreases over the next four years.

There is only one answer this NOvember is to vote NO for the school levy forever! They have made little changes to the previous levies that were voted NO and defeated. Unfair to taxpayers; while they can put a little lipstick on the pig and run the same levy many times per year even when the owners of the schools say NO.

Phil Caron
