Voting for Trump is voting for a Nazi takeover

To the editor,

The 2024 election is just under 6 weeks away. Please vote—because the future of this wonderful country and its citizens depends on it.

In my last letter I reminded Sentinel Tribune readers of the stark, consistent similarities between Trump and the MAGA Republicans (MAGAs) and Hitler and the Nazis. Nothing has changed—it’s all out of the same playbook. If you want a Nazi-style takeover of this country—and your lives—vote Republican; if not, vote Democrat, up and down ballot.

I am an Independent voter. I have not lied to you before and I am not lying now—unlike Trump and the MAGAs.

The Christian Nationalists have high-jacked Christianity and are funding Trump and the MAGAs. The right-wing Christian Nationalists want to achieve total power, and when they do, get ready for religious intolerance on the scale of Iran or Afghanistan. Does no one remember the Spanish Inquisition or the Salem Witch Trials? Does no one understand the meaning of the word “puritanical?” The Puritans came to the Colonies for religious freedom—their own religious freedom, not anyone else’s. In England, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, there were spies everywhere searching out heretics (Catholics). In the McCarthy era, there were spies everywhere searching out supposed Communists. Does anyone want to return to those times? If Trump loses, civil war has been threatened. Does any sane person want that?

Women and men who care for women must vote Democrat because Trump and the MAGAs want to keep women “barefoot and pregnant.” Despite what Trump now says. Just look at what is happening to women in Iran and Afghanistan. It is now and has always been the right of a woman to choose her reproductive status. Through out recorded history, women have wanted to enjoy the pleasures of sex, but usually without its intended consequences (pregnancy). That is why the greatest invention of the twentieth century was contraception. No one is singing “Yippie skippie, lets go get an abortion.” So why aren’t Trump and the MAGAs pushing birth control? Isn’t the answer obvious?

W.E.Feeman Jr. MD

Bowling Green