Memory care facility opens in BG

The Bowling Green Senior Center is providing a safe place for individuals who have memory issues.

MemoryLane Care Services has been working with the senior center to make the space possible.

“Right now, we have nine people enrolled,” said Izzy Alaniz, RN, ADS director in August. “We can take up to 22 people daily, so we have space still.”

The facility gives people the opportunity to eat, socialize and receive care.

“We have quite a few people who have dementia in the community. Caregivers tend to burn out quickly. What we offer is a daily respite for those caregivers,” Alaniz said. “With that time off, caregivers can take a break or attend to their work. This is a place where they can bring their family member for a safe environment with scheduled activities.”

The facility offers a quiet/sensory room for individuals who want to put together puzzles or relax peacefully. Caregiver services are also available.

“We do care coaching with our participating caregivers. They don’t have to attend the day center to receive that service,” Alaniz said. “We have nursing services, with a nurse on staff daily. Caregivers can just call us for extra support. We have a caregiver support group that meets every Wednesday at 2 p.m.”

The senior center is committed to making the MemoryLane Care Services accessible to everyone in need.

“They do not need to have a loss of memory diagnosis. For example, this could be someone who lives alone and needs help getting out of the house,” Alaniz said. “We can provide our services for those kinds of people. Upon intake, we have families bring the participant in so we can get to know them a little bit better.”

The cost of services will operate on a voluntary cost share.

For anyone who is interested in receiving services, they can stop by the senior center, located at 140 South Grove St., Monday through Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.