New exhibit coming to Perrysburg Sculpture Walk

This glass sculpture is part of Perrysburg Sculpture Walk.

PERRYSBURG – The fourth annual Perrysburg Sculpture Walk has opened at Woodlands Park, located at 429 E. Boundary St.

This year’s exhibit features 13 new sculptures installed along the park’s perimeter and entryway, creating an outdoor gallery that art enthusiasts and casual visitors alike can enjoy.

The 2024 Sculpture Walk will showcase works from nationally recognized artists, offering a diverse array of visual experiences. From whimsical creations to thought-provoking narrative pieces, the exhibit will include a wide range of styles and materials.

“The sculptures, made from glass mosaic, wood, bronze, painted steel, aluminum, stainless steel, salvaged steel, hand-painted steel, and ceramic, highlight the extraordinary versatility and creativity of the artists,” said Robin Ballmer, curator of the exhibit.

The exhibit will run for a full year. Visitors have the option to participate in a curator-led walking tour or explore the exhibit on their own using a self-guided tour with the aid of a QR code available at the park.

Docent tours are available for free and can be scheduled by contacting Robin Ballmer at [email protected]. More information about the Perrysburg Sculpture Walk can be found at

The Perrysburg Sculpture Walk is made possible through the support of Visit Perrysburg, the City of Perrysburg, and community partners including Skyworks Rental Equipment, Sylvania Graphics, The Brundrett Family, Way Library, and Image 360. The exhibit is curated and coordinated by Main ART-ery.