Voting for Trump = a Nazi-style government


To the editor,

My fellow Americans, PLEASE give me your attention. The upcoming election is the most consequential in US history because the very fate of our democratic republic hangs in the balance. I know that I wrote this in 2020 and 2022, but things have only gotten worse. If Trump and the MAGA Republicans (MAGAs) win in November, all of our constitutional freedoms and benefits will be lost because Trump has said that he will become a dictator (his words) and will shred the Constitution (his promise). Our government will be run by Trump and the MAGAs as Trump will appoint his lackeys to the various posts in the executive branch and get rid of anyone who might oppose him (Trump). It’s all in Project 2025, spelled out very neatly. It’s all about power and the money that comes with it.

Trumpies probably do not care about that since they think that they are on the winning side and and Trump would “take a bullet” for them. Trumpies believe that Trump would never desert them, but Trump has never had any qualms in throwing anyone (including J.D.Vance) under the bus whenever he deemed it necessary.

Over the last eight years I have written numerous letters to this paper comparing Trump and the MAGAs to Hitler and the Nazis. The parallels are striking. Both Trump and Hitler took over existing parties, which were then used to stage unsuccessful coups. They both wrote books describing their plans to take over the government of their countries. Both had armed vigilante groups at their call. Both found minority scapegoats on which to blame all of their county’s problems. (And remember that when the armed vigilante groups were no longer needed, Hitler had them assassinated in “the night of the long knives.”)

If you vote for Trump and the MAGAs, you will get what I have told you: a Nazi-style government. And then it will be too late because Trump has promised to attack any and all of his opponents. No, the only way out is to win the November election, up and down ballot, by such a wide margin that the regular Republicans will reclaim their party and Trump and the MAGAs will no longer have any power.

W.E.Feeman Jr. MD

Bowling Green

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