Wood County Republicans open headquarters


Cindy Hofner, Wood County Republican chairwoman, has announced that the party will be hosting a “Grand Opening” for the 2024 Wood County Republican Campaign Headquarters. This event will be held Thursday at 5 p.m. at 319 E. Wooster St.

There will be a short presentation and the opportunity to tour the headquarters, interact with fellow Republicans and hear from local candidates.

A Republican breakfast will be held Sept. 28 at the Bowling Green Country Club, located at 923 Fairview Ave. Doors will open at 8:30 a.m. with breakfast served at 9 a.m. Reservations are encouraged with advance tickets at $18 per person and tickets at the door will be $25 per person. Contact Rita Foos at [email protected] and/or mail your payment to Wood County GOP – P.O. Box 344, Bowling Green, OH 43402.

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