Joe Average: What happened to being qualified?


I’ve written about this before. And it seems numerous people have the same concerns. What does diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have to do with doing one’s job? What ever happened to qualifications for a job? Any job.

I am not sure when job qualifications became more concerned with Politically Correct factors, (DEI), woke and less about the abilities to actually to do the work required. There was a time when a prospective employer carefully looked at your education, experience, abilities and attitude. Asked about family, other interests and factors. But now it seems to be more important to confirm gender, race, sexual orientation, integrity (maybe) and diversity. All areas that relate to affirmative action. Ability to actually do the work required is secondary.

This leads to the thought that discrimination is OK, if it benefits certain people. Discrimination or affirmative action, is there any difference?

If one doesn’t meet the “qualifications” of race, gender, etc., consideration for that person is terminated. That is discrimination. So much for equal opportunity. So much for the best qualified candidate for the job.

Or has the definition of qualifications changed? If so, how can we get the best people to fill our open positions? Race, gender, nationality, ethnic background, sexual orientation, doesn’t qualify one for any position of employment. How can one do the job if he or she isn’t trained and educated for that job? Experience is also an important factor. Being in an “accepted” group shouldn’t be a factor in employment.

Is it any wonder that businesses, organizations and even the government are struggling to do what they are meant to do?

When qualified, truly qualified, people are not selected to work and to use their specialized skills needed in today’s society little, if anything, is accomplished. Diversity has taken the front seat of progress and it shows.

DEI and the woke mentality will the cause of the collapse of our economy and our society. These may have a place, but not at the forefront of our life. When we hear “I won’t shop at that store because there are too few_ (fill in the blank).” or “I won’t vote for him because he is male.”

It is a bad attitude and not productive or uniting.

Truly qualified people are needed to do the work of our country. Whether in business, education, factories, or even in government. Qualified by education, abilities, experience and attitude. Not by the color of your skin, gender, orientation, or any other politically correct factor.

These ideas and in some cases demands won’t make our society better, if anything it will detract from true progress and success.

Herb Dettmer is a retired Bowling Green resident, U.S. Army veteran and writes this column representing the viewpoint of “Joe Average” citizen. He is freelance writer and author of “Others,” a devotional book. Call or text “Joe” with comments at 419-494-4641.

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