Toledo man found guilty of rape: Victim was kidnapped from a school zone


A Toledo man accused of raping a child he kidnapped has been found guilty.

A jury on Tuesday found Jeremy Sims, 40, guilty of rape, kidnapping, prostitution of a minor and four other charges.

Sims was indicted in June 2023 for two counts of rape, each with repeat and sexually violent offender specifications; kidnapping within a school safety zone and with both sexual motivation and sexually violent predator specifications; importuning; pandering obscenity involving a minor or impaired person; compelling prostitution; and gross sexual imposition.

The jury found hin guilty on all charges, including that the kidnapping was done with sexual motivation.

At the start of the trial Monday, the state offered a sentence of 20-25 years if he pleaded guilty to the two rape charges and kidnapping. All other charges and specifications would have been dismissed.

Sims declined and now faces a potential sentence of life in prison.

Wood County Common Pleas Judge Joel Kuhlman will decide the repeat violent offender specification and the sexually violent predator specification at the time of sentencing, which is scheduled for Oct. 17.

The kidnapping of a 12-year-old occurred May 16, 2023. The minor was removed from the Perrysburg High School parking lot in the middle of the night.

According to court documents, Sims raped the child on May 26, 2023.

Sims committed importuning by soliciting the 12-year-old to engage in a sexual activity and pandered obscenity on June 1 by creating or producing an obscene performance that had a minor as one of its participants.

Sims either paid or agreed to pay the 12-year-old to engage in sexual activity.

Sims was already in jail at the time of this indictment after being indicted earlier in June 2023 for disseminating matter harmful to juveniles. That case is still pending.

Sims pleaded guilty in Wood County in 2003 to pandering sexually oriented matter involving a minor. He was sentenced to six months in prison, to be served consecutively with a Lucas County sentence for robbery.

The repeat violent offender specification is due to that robbery conviction.

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