Democracy or duplicity


To the editor,

I know many northwest Ohio Republicans these days are troubled by what is happening within their political party, me included. Recently, longtime Republican Wood County Sheriff Mark Wasylyshyn came out publicly in support of Democrat Sherrod Brown for Ohio US Senator, appearing in TV ads with Brown.

Using his GOP office to cross party lines with his personal preference is duplicitous! (Websters says duplicitous means, “hypocritical cunning or deception). It is certainly all of that, but I could use stronger words!

Denigrating the political party that enabled you to hold office is an act that undermines democracy.

Similarly, a Republican Ohio House Representative, Haraz Ghanbari, recently joined with Democrats to deny a fellow Republican the office of Speaker of the Ohio House. I suppose some would euphemistically call this bipartisanship. I called it devious and disloyal.

Obviously, we are in a period of great turmoil in our nation—not just in Wood County and NW Ohio. No matter where one looks these days, God is under attack and those that care should defend right from wrong wherever and however it occurs!

Lawrence G. “Larry” Garzony

Bowling Green

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