Lefts need rights, rights need lefts


To the editor,

I am writing today due to my concern about the animosity and divisiveness in our country today. We are one people; we are one country. We need each other. We need to find common ground and respect each other’s views.

Hence left needs right and right needs left. I want to share a few examples, metaphors I guess to illustrate my point. As a person in a “body” your left hand needs your right; your right hand needs your left hand. When both hands work together, we accomplish so much more like swinging on a swing, swimming, playing sports, driving, praying, reading a book, carrying heavy loads, hugging our children, grandchildren, spouses, significant others, family etc. When one is injured the other has to help and compensate so the hands can continue to be productive.

Left needs right and rights needs left in other ways. A book must have a left page and a right page for without the two turning each other the story couldn’t be told, the characters couldn’t be developed, the suspense couldn’t be felt, the action couldn’t be continued and we’d miss half the plot and the author’s purpose. I’d hate to miss part of the Bible, part of the Grant and Hamilton narratives, part of The Giving Tree, part of any favorite tales that we can’t put down and those yet to be written for which we wait for publication. Left needs right and right needs left.

Respect and collaboration, looking out for each other I believe we need this now more than ever in this climate of us versus them. We are one country; we are one people. We have the right to our beliefs, but we also have the responsibility to respect and understand the views of those who differ with us. We can be civil and focus on what binds us together instead of tearing each other down by negative rhetoric. We can focus on issues that are common to all Americans; love of family, decent education for all, caring for the elderly, helping our neighbor, driving safely, respecting the law, love of country and others that you can add to the list.

I implore you to be critical thinkers and not be trapped by blind ideology. I ask you to see both sides in the truth not lies and rumors, not internet blogs that spew hate and discord.

Kathy Varga


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