Univ. of Findlay offers ‘Building Lasting Legacies’ program


A continuing education program helping area financial representatives to better serve their clients’ financial and philanthropic interests will be offered at the University of Findlay.

UF’s estate and planned giving council will present “Building Lasting Legacies: A Win for Advisors, Clients, and Non-Profits” from 7:30 to 10 a.m. pm Sept. 12.

Program participants are eligible for two hours of CEUs for Ohio insurance, CFRE, CPA, legal CEU, or CFP.

Guest speakers include Eileen Savage and Kristin Hermann, fundraising administrators at Cranbrook Educational Community in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. They will discuss how to align the roles of advisors, not-for-profit missions, and client goals for a successful planned giving strategy.

Kenneth McIntyre Jr., UF vice president of advancement, said the program will be beneficial for any finance, insurance, legal, banking, or non-profit professionals who are helping clients make financial and tax decisions.

“Eileen and Kristin bring extensive experience in guiding families to create their philanthropic legacies. They will lay the groundwork for becoming more adept at uncovering and exploring clients’ charitable intentions,” he explained. “They will be sharing real-world case studies demonstrating the benefits of planned giving for all parties involved.”

The cost of the program is $25, with breakfast included, and it will take place at the Winebrenner Building, Room 254. Register by Sept. 1 at https://oilers.findlay.edu/pages/events/planned-giving-professional-development or contact Jamie Orians at 419-297-3390 or [email protected].

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