Joe Average: There is no respect of another’s opinion


Why is everyone criticizing everyone else about everything? Why are we being so negative and critical? Haven’t we learned to be positive? Or at least look on the bright side of any situation?

With all the negatives happening around the world, there is little to be encouraged about. Especially when our so called leaders are spending most of their time (paid for by us taxpayers) finding fault with anything the opposition says.

Instead of finding solutions to the problems and issues we face every day, these “leaders” spend their time criticizing the other side, even blaming them for causing the problem. Often giving false and misleading information. In other words they are just plain lying. Where is the honesty in our leadership?

Yet these same “leaders” claim to be honest and working to make everything better for the voters – taxpayers. In reality they have failed, but they won’t admit it. Only to blame the other side of obstruction and not working with them. As a result nothing is accomplished and bad feelings are made even worse.

Negative attitudes have never accomplished anything, on the other hand, positive attitudes have made ideas turn into reality. New products, better ways of working, a much more productive and pleasant life for everyone. So why the negative attitude?

It is easier to find fault than to find good. Besides why cooperate and promote the opposition when your side can tear down their viewpoint? It is easier to attack the opposition than it is to promote your own position. Which may be questionable and subject to attacks from the other side. As result nothing is agreed upon and nothing is really accomplished. Just look around and pay attention to current events. Listen to what our so called leaders are doing and saying. Try to keep an open mind and absorb what is being said.

It is all about, “We are right and you are wrong.” The arrogance and ego of these leaders is out of sight. Working together is something they talk about but don’t practice. “My way or the highway” is more descriptive of their thinking. There is no room for compromise in their viewpoint. No matter what the subject is, gender issues, race, faith (or lack of), criticism is given if we don’t agree with the critics. To the point of making demands for acceptance of their view.

So much for the Freedom to believe as we choose. So much for the Freedom of speech, of religion, so much for any Freedom if we don’t agree. Discussions are rare and usually end up with demands of intolerance and hateful accusations.

There is no respect of another opinion. But respect is demanded by most of these critics, respect for them and their opinion. It is past time to stop the constant negative attitudes and accusations. It is time to talk, to discuss, as reasonably mature adults.

Herb Dettmer is a retired Bowling Green resident, U.S. Army veteran and writes this column representing the viewpoint of “Joe Average” citizen. He is freelance writer and author of “Others,” a devotional book. Call or text “Joe” with comments at 419-494-4641.

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