Groups – Garden Group of Women’s Club of Bowling Green


Garden Group of GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green gathered on July 16 at the home of Pam Vollmar. Co-President Sara Moomaw opened the meeting with each member answering roll call by telling the group of the best performing plant in her garden.

Susan Enright’s report on Surprise Lily was read. Jo Vernon reported on the way that birds use ants for cleaning their feathers; Sharon Daniels reported on times to water your garden for best benefits of plants.

Discussion was held on items still needed for the Holiday Art & Craft Show Raffle Basket. Basket Leader Linda Frizzell gave an update on which teams still needed helpers. A schedule was passed for volunteers for Wood County Fair week. Members continue to provide daily watering and weeding service to the plantings at the Welcome Sign at the north end of the city.

After the business meeting, Hostess Vollmar demonstrated how to make cement leaves, providing materials and helping each member to make her own cast leaf shape, with space for each to dry to finish.

In August, Garden Group members provided volunteer service at the Wood County Fair by filling water bottles for the first Flower Show and manning the plant sale table.

Next meeting will be Sept. 17 at Wood County Historical Museum with a program on Herbs.

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