BG Chamber Business Council announces “Learn. Network. Grow”


The Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce Business Council Project Team has announced a Learn. Network. Grow. lunch bite programming opportunity on Wednesday from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the chamber office, 217 S. Church St.

The program, which is open to all chamber investors, will be a presentation from Randy Lucas of The Employers’ Association on recognizing and responding to substance use in the workplace.

This workshop is an opportunity for all employers to learn more about how to combat substance abuse among employees. Items covered will include: understanding related laws and regulations; recognizing the warning signs of substance use; understanding the concept of reasonable suspicion; knowing the role of the supervisor; and identifying the role of an employee assistance program (EAP).

After completing his baccalaureate at Bowling Green State University in Communication and Psychology, he left Ohio for the West Coast, living in California, Arizona, and Washington before returning to Northwest Ohio.

Interested chamber investors can register for the event for no charge. Pack your own lunch, or there is also an option for a box lunch from Panera Bread for a $15 fee. RSVP by Monday at to reserve your spot.

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