The Curry Lounge holds ribbon cutting


The Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce and The Curry Lounge announce a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of their new business. This event is scheduled for 11 a.m. on Aug. 15 at 434 E. Wooster St. in Bowling Green.

Stop out to welcome The Curry Lounge to Bowling Green and try some popular Indian dishes. The ceremony will include statements from city representatives to congratulate owners Manny and Doli Patel on their new addition to the Bowling Green business community.

The restaurant recently opened next door to the Patel’s other business, Dairy Queen of Bowling Green. They offer a wide variety of meal options for vegans, vegetarians, gluten free, and non-vegetarians. The Curry Lounge will also boast a bar and special tandoor oven, which according to Manny Patel, retains the moisture and flavor of meats like chicken far better than a conventional grill or oven.

“We want to bring the new flavors for the community, and it’s close to the downtown as well as the university, so it’s convenient for everyone to come and enjoy the delicious Indian cuisines,” says Patel.

The event is open to the public, with registration open at Light refreshments will be served.

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