Men who destroyed tree decide to pay for replacement


Two men who destroyed a tree downtown have agreed to pay for the damage to avoid being charged.

The tree was destroyed Aug. 1 by two men who left the scene by the time police arrived.

The males were later identified as Derek Kreisler and Mason Phillips.

Bowling Green police called the men Aug. 2 and told them that they would not be criminally charged if they paid to replace the tree. Kreisler and Phillips both agreed to pay to replace the tree as soon as possible, according to the Bowling Green Police Division report.

Officers recieved the quote on Monday. The quote detailed the total cost to remove the damaged tree and replace it with a new tree would be $558. Officers emailed Kreisler and Phillips the quote and are still waiting on the money, according to the report.

When officers reviewed the downtown cameras, they observed two males destroy a tree in the 100 block of North Main Street around 12:34 a.m. Aug. 1, according to the police report.

One reached up with both hands grabbing the top portion of the tree. He then sunk his body weight downward, bending and ultimately breaking the tree, according to the report.

The second man approached the broken tree and ripped it into two pieces, leaving the top half of the tree lying on the ground near its trunk.

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