Christmas in July at the fair


The Wood County Fairgrounds hosted a “Christmas in July” event at the Free Tent on Monday.

Those who were in attendance had the opportunity to decorate cookies, create their own ornaments, draw pictures, and more.

“Since the fair is in July this year, we decided to do a kids activity day around Christmas in July. We have all kinds of winter-themed crafts going on,” said fair Director Jessica Nagel. “Kids can decorate Christmas cookies and tree ornaments. The kids can make winter-themed sensory bottles and play in the snow (shaving cream). It’s free for all of the families. We wanted to try something different this year.”

The Christmas in July theme also has a focus on story time throughout the week.

“From an educational standpoint, we really wanted to incorporate the story time. We wanted to give families something to do throughout the week,” she said.

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