Joe Average: When ‘peaceful’ protests aren’t peaceful


We have heard numerous times, about the peaceful protests going on. The summer of love 2020, (and the riots), cancel culture, protests about the Gaza War, among others.

What does “peaceful” mean? Vandalism? Damaging public and private property? Rioting? Causing injury to others? Chaos? Anarchy? Arson? Burning the American flag? And many other disruptions? What does “peaceful” really mean?

Most people would say walking a picket line is peaceful. Or standing in a public place with a sign expressing an opinion is peaceful. Few would say vandalism, damaging public and private property, rioting, causing injury to others, chaos, anarchy, arson, and burning the American flag are peaceful. So why are so many public figures – politicians in particular – stating these protests are (were) peaceful.

Where did these “leaders” get the idea what peaceful means? Violence of any kind is not peaceful. Destruction is not peaceful. Vandalism is not peaceful. Where is the respect for others and others property? Respect that is demanded by these protesters. But is it only respect for them and their ideas? Shouldn’t it go both ways? If one wants respect shouldn’t it be reciprocated?

What’s good for one should be good for everyone. Or are these protesters and those who support them being selfish and arrogant? Do they feel they are right and everyone else is wrong? It appears that way. And what about equality? Aren’t they the ones who demand equality (and equity, whatever that is)?

What about the leaders of our communities and our nation who condemn violence? That has no place in our society. What is being done to curb or even eliminate the violence we have seen? Too many “leaders” have supported the defunding of the police movement and those who want to close down ICE and the border patrol? How will this solve the problem of violence? Then there is the no cash bail idea.

Violence of any description is not peaceful. Stating that these demonstrations and protests are peaceful doesn’t make them that. Setting fires, damaging property, causing injury to bystanders and law enforcement, and other wise disrupting society isn’t a peaceful protest. It is chaos, rioting and anarchy.

Where did these protesters and those who back them, get the idea peaceful means destruction and violence?

Most “normal” people would agree that what we have seen lately is not peaceful protests and demonstrations. Not when fires are set, windows broken, people being prevented from attending classes, roads and highways blocked and all the other disruptions.

Demands won’t get what they want. Or maybe they will because our leaders are intimidated by the protesters. Which means they are not really leaders.

Standing firm, supporting the laws, even arresting these protesters is what true leaders would do. Laws are made for a purpose, to protect those who are – “We the People.”

Herb Dettmer is a retired Bowling Green resident, U.S. Army veteran and writes this column representing the viewpoint of “Joe Average” citizen. He is freelance writer and author of “Others,” a devotional book. Call or text “Joe” with comments at 419-494-4641.

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