Nuisance complaints grow like weeds in Walbridge


WALBRIDGE – The nuisance complaints are growing like weeds in the village.

At the July 17 council meeting, village Administrator Todd Robson reported having sent 20 nuisance letters in the previous two weeks.

Residents have 10 days to respond before another letter is sent, he said.

“There’s a lot of positive action going on,” Robson said. “We’re addressing the situation but there’s a process for it to go through and it takes time.”

The list includes exterior issues, yards with tall grass, trash and garbage and parked vehicles, Robson said.

Sometimes officers and village employees who are working see an issue and report it, or the village gets complaints via email the phone calls. The complaint is then verified by Robson or Mayor Ed Kolanko.

Unfortunately, somebody has to do it, Kolanko said about code enforcement.

In addressing locations mentioned by a resident in the audience, Kolanko said they were on the radar.

“We try to let the homeowners take care of the problems that are there. …” he said.

Council did give the third reading for a maintenance code violation where the homeowner was charged $675; $120 per employee per hour and the lawn had to be cut and raked with the clippings hauled away.

The reality is, if people don’t take care of their properties, we’re going to step in, Kolanko said.

Village code has a “pretty generous” 8 inches as the maximum height for grass, he said.

Also at the meeting, council:

Moved James Stacy into the maintenance supervisor position and gave George Plasencio a pay increase to $24.53 per hour after he completed his one-year anniversary with the police department.

Approved a 5K run and walk for Sept. 21 through downtown. All donations and proceeds will go toward the Task Force 20 Foundation and the village’s park and recreation division.

“It’s a fun way to bring people back into Walbridge,” Kolanko said, and the expectation is to get 200 runners.

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