Witt praised at his last board meeting as superintendent


MILLBURY – Jim Witt is the GOAT of superintendents at Lake Local Schools.

That was one of the statements shared by board member Tim Krugh at Witt’s last meeting as superintendent on July 17.

The best thing that can be said about any organization’s leader is that they left it in a better position that how they found it, Krugh said.

Witt did just that, he said.

“I’ve been fortunate enough to work in a place where the school board members don’t have agendas, where school board members put kids ahead of themselves,” Witt said. “We’ve had the best administrative team we could have. These people, other than my own family, are the most important people in the world.”

His tenure as superintendent can be defined by how he managed four major challenges after being hired in July 2006, Krugh said.

Witt entered the district after the prior superintendent and treasurer were let go and where one levy after another had failed, he said.

The district was in fiscal emergency with the state, cuts had been made, students weren’t willing to wear varsity jackets, there was no transportation and kids were driving tractors to school.

Krugh was on the board that hired Witt, and said he wasn’t his first choice; however, “Jim was the perfect person and the perfect leader for our district when we hired him in 2006.”

The district passed a levy later in 2006 and Witt was able to lead the district into academic excellence.

Then the tornado destroyed the high school in 2010 – the second crisis Witt faced, Krugh said.

“At that point, his leadership was amazing. …” he said.

The next crises were when an operating levy failed — requiring the cutting of teaching positions — and then when covid hit.

“What strikes me about Jim’s leadership was his amazing personal compassion for each of our students. His interaction with the students was amazing,” Krugh said.

“In my opinion, Jim is the GOAT of superintendents at Lake. What Jim had to face and overcome and deal with, he was unbeatable,” Krugh said.

GOAT stands for greatest of all time.

Witt has invested a lot in the district, said board President Brad Blandin.

“Leadership is hard. Leaders begin each day facing the reality that every decision they make will have supporters and detractors,” he said. “Leaders must remain focused on the greater purpose.

“For Jim, his greater purpose has always been the kids. Every decision he has made during his tenure was made with the kids’ best interests in mind,” Blandin said.

He read “The Bridge Builder,” a poem by Will Allen Dromgoole, which prompts readers to look for opportunities to empower others to achieve greatness in their lives.

Witt inherited a district in chaos and brought stability to our schools, Blandin said.

Witt said the team he had at home contributed to his success and while he was proud of all of the graduates over the years, he was especially proud of his three sons, all who graduated from Lake.

“They’ve all followed after their mom and they’ve all been successful,” he said in a nod to wife Diane, who was in the audience.

In the 26 years prior to 2006, the district was one in 15 for passage of levy requests, Witt said. Since then, they’ve passed eight and lost two.

“As you know, in our family, winning is important. Second thing is winning is important,” he said to laughs. “The two that bothered me the most were the ones that failed.”

He said he told his replacement, Marjoe Cooper, the first time they spoke that “this is a special place.

“And it will remain for me and my family for as long as we’re around.”

Starting Oct. 1, Witt will become the director of buildings and grounds for Bowling Green City Schools.

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