Counterfeit bills used in BG


Bowling Green police responded to two reports Friday of the use counterfeit bills to make a purchase.

Officers were dispatched to the 800 block of South Main Street on a report of a male using counterfeit bills. The caller gave a description of a black male wearing a black t-shirt, tan cargo shorts, white hat, sunglasses (with tag still on them) and short dreads, according to the Bowling Green Police Division report.

The caller stated that they last saw the male going north in the alley behind the store. When officers arrived around 7:23 p.m., they could not locate the male.

The manager told police that the male had been there once before and then purchased a car battery with counterfeit bills. The manager called their boss, who instructed them turn the bills in with their deposit and inform the bank, according to the report.

The manager stated that the bank then informed the FBI as was the policy. When the male returned to the store and attempted to buy another car battery with counterfeit bills, he became spooked and fled the store, according to the report.

The manager was unable to identify the male before he fled the store, according to the report.

Later that night, around 9:44 p.m., officers were dispatched to the 900 block of West Poe Road for a fraud report. When officers arrived, they spoke with the complainant who stated that two males attempted to pay with $50 counterfeit bills, according to the report.

Both bills were counterfeit due to both having the same serial number. Officers observed an edge that was blank on one of the bills and appeared to not be cut correctly, according to the report.

The complainant told police that one male ordered from inside the store while the other ordered from the outdside window. The complainant showed officers video footage of the male inside of the store. The male inside the store was a black male, wearing a white shirt and black pants, according to the report.

The male was also wearing an orange reflector vest and tan sun hat around his neck. The complainant was unable to get footage of the male outside the store, who was also wearing a white shirt with black pants, with long dreads, according to the report.

Staff told police that both males ordered one item and paid with counterfeit $50 bills. Both males got into a white SUV and left, according to the report.

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