Prepare to be prepared before it’s too late


To the editor,

America has experienced many horrendous increases lately: corruption at all levels, crime, inflation, interest rates, illegal immigrants, lawsuits, cop killings, a 40% increase in unexplainable deaths among young people (per the insurance industry actuarial tables), worker shortages, anger, depression, suicide, ad nauseam. There have been an equal number of horrendous decreases: the devaluation of our dollar, fewer students in public schools, a decrease in criminals being prosecuted, people willing to work, job numbers, America’s standing across the world, trust and faith in our government/medical community/the Church, all leadership, and the things people probably miss the most: loss of safety, hope, peace, a bright future and the American dream.

For over a decade now I have chosen a word that I believe will exemplify the upcoming year. My word for 2024 was PREPARATION. Today it is ever so important – more than that it is imperative – that every American be prepared from all the dismal possibilities that I’ve been hearing about since 2020: blackouts and brownouts (already in place in California) or loss of electricity, water, even phone service (hopefully never the loss of the entire grid); food shortages; domestic terrorist attacks, increased crime; economic decline or digital currency; war with China, Russia or Iran.

I am encouraging everyone I know, including you reading this, to hope for the best but prepare for the worse. Our enemies now live among us. Stock up on water and food; medications; first aid supplies; an alternative source of heat and electricity; written phone numbers and addresses of those dear to you; a packed “To Go” bag should you need to leave your home immediately; a solar phone charger.

As my mother used to say, “It is better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.” Truer words were never spoken. Especially today.

In order to learn how to be prepared, the American Red Cross will be conducting free trainings at the Senior Center in Bowling Green on July 25 from 5-6 p.m. in Room 203/204 on hands only CPR and tornado and storm safety, and on Aug. 22 from 5-6 p.m. on how to pack a ‘To Go’ bag, and fire safety. All are welcome. Prepare to be prepared!

Barbara Brunner

Bowling Green

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