Historic Preservation Commission looks for buildings to feature


The Bowling Green Historic Preservation Commission is looking for historic buildings to be featured as “Historic Building of the Month.”

The public can nominate buildings that will be featured in the August-December editions of the newsletter.

“For a few years now, we’ve been having historic buildings of the month. We’re expanding it to historic sites of the month. We will also expand it to buildings that don’t exist anymore but are worth talking about,” said commission member Geoff Howes at the June 18 meeting.

”This year, we’re hoping to do our first forum on non-existing buildings in Bowling Green,” he said.

Sometimes, building owners or members of the commission write up the histories of the buildings, sometimes it’s the homeowner.

We would also like the public to nominate or tell us about the buildings they think should be historic buildings of the month. They have the option to write the story, Howes said.

The commission also has also been working on an interpretative signage project. A total of 16 signs will be placed throughout the city.

“We’ve been working on this for about a year now. We were able to get a large grant from the state to allow us to get their signs. They’re very expensive. We wanted to center on downtown Bowling Green but also include the Boomtown and Courthouse areas,” said John Sampen, commission member. “We put together a committee that consisted of two of our commissioners and some community members who are friends of the HPC. We met probably every week to talk about the location of the signs, who would do the research for the signs, etc. We worked with the university archives on it, as well as the with the Wood County Library. We have been doing a lot of work in the last several months. We are excited to present and be done with it.”

The next meeting will take place on July 23.

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