Average Joe: Today’s nation is not what our founding fathers envisioned


What a year this has been. Current events have been like no other. The primaries, terror threats, inflation, the border crisis, crime, demonstrations and riots, two wars. Not to mention the division we have seen, in Congress as well virtually everywhere.

Never in the history of our nation has there been so much division. Not during the Vietnam War or even the Civil War. Politics has always been part of our governing bodies, but the differences have been worked out. No so much today.

Our “leaders,” and I use that term loosely, are more concerned with their own agenda, than they are with serving – We the People – who elected them.

Not what our Founding Fathers envisioned.

Things like privacy, freedom and liberty have been replaced by political correctness, DEI, woke mentality and remember Big Brother is watching us (for our protection?), security cameras are everywhere.

This is not what our Founding Fathers envisioned.

Our country has been taken over by people who have no idea what our country was founded on. Freedom, Liberty, Justice and the Pursuit of Happiness. They want to establish complete control of all of us. Of all our activities. Of our careers. Our leisure time, everything.

Not what our Founding Fathers envisioned.

Freedom, Liberty, Justice and the Pursuit of Happiness among many other positive factors. Opportunity to improve one’s life, without some government or distant king dictating what we can and cannot do. As well as dealing with mandates, excessive regulations (control) and taxes, which is what we have today.

Not what our Founding Fathers envisioned.

What we have is an issue oriented society based on the latest activism. Minority focused, with little or no focus on the majority. Remember We the People? So where is the discrimination today? Who are the real victims? And where is the working together that every politician talks about? Think about that. Freedom to work and succeed, or possibly fail, depending on numerous factors. While nothing is guaranteed, it all depends on individual effort and desire. The point is, Freedom to succeed, by our own efforts and abilities.

The Bill of Rights is fundamental to our nation, as is the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. This is what we celebrate each July 4. Not any of the politically correct issues. Our system may not be perfect, but it beats any other system by a long shot. Our founders knew that and built into our documents a way to improve it. Freedom, Independence, Liberty, Justice and the Pursuit of Happiness.

This is what our Founding Fathers had envisioned.

Happy Birthday America!

Herb Dettmer is a retired Bowling Green resident, U.S. Army veteran and writes this column representing the viewpoint of “Joe Average” citizen. He is freelance writer and author of “Others,” a devotional book. Call or text “Joe” with comments at 419-494-4641.

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