Joe Average: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it


Why all the changes we hear about and are experiencing? Our country is great, freedom, liberty and opportunities for all. But there are some people who want to change everything. DEI, the woke movement, how we live, who or what determines what products we buy.

Where is the freedom to choose? Where is the freedom to do something “stupid”?

Our country has produced a quality of life and success that no other country has ever produced. Just look at some of the accomplishments. The light bulb, telephone, mass production of automobiles as well as other common products, advances in health care and many more. Why? How? Because we have the freedom to think and improve.

Our system is not perfect, not everyone has benefited from this. The ones who have, have worked within the system to improve their lives and the lives of others. Even to help those who have not worked.

There are some out there who want to change the successful system, so all can enjoy the benefits, even though they haven’t done anything to earn these. And to what do these activists want to change our system? To a failed system of government control of virtually every part of our lives?

It is an accepted fact that government control and management isn’t workable. Call it socialism or whatever “ism” you want, it isn’t capitalism which is what made this country great. Why do we need to change a successful system? It’s not perfect, but it is and has worked for most of the people. There are always some who fall through the cracks. Through out history there has been the poor as well as the rich. There have been those who worked and those who haven’t. That is really a fact of life.

Part of the reasoning for changing our system is our U.S. Constitution is broken, outdated. Having been written almost 250 years ago, it needs to be modernized, to reflect the needs of our modern society. It is not broken and has built into it a way to modernize. It seems to be these activists just don’t want to follow the law of the land. It doesn’t fit their agenda of control of the population and all of society. Apparently freedom is not important to them. But that is what our country stands for. That is what people have come to this country to enjoy. Freedom to succeed, freedom to live without a government telling us what we can and cannot do.

Success to some apparently is bad. We need to tax the rich and successful, take what they worked for. So much for the opportunities we have. Our system is not broken. It may need to be improved, updated. If it ain’t broke – don’t fix it.

Some people may, or probably will, disagree with this column, there are always two sides, sometimes more than two sides to every issue.

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