What do We the People get out of campaign donations?


Political campaigns

Political campaigns cost a lot of money. Presidential campaigns may cost $100,000,000, probably even more. And that is just for one candidate. We may be looking at over $200,000,000 for an election for president.

And what do we the voters get? A man who has promised us the end of all our problems, or maybe a woman. What have we ended up with? A lot of hot air from the White House, as well as from Congress. Any problems solved? Few if any, just a lot of talk and arguing. And nothing is really accomplished, just bad feelings.

Our leaders can’t or won’t work together to serve the people of our nation. We the People are this nation. We pay taxes to fund our government and expect positive results. But what we get is only political infighting, false accusations and name calling. (Like we did in middle school.)

These leaders have collected more than $200,000,000 to serve and protect us. Why can’t they do this? Is it the power they hold? Or maybe it is just their egos. All the money collected from the campaign donors is wasted. It could be better used to take care of the homeless, the hungry, those who need better health care and much more to serve the voters. There is too much that needs to be done and it all costs money.

We the people need to stop catering to these professional politicians and vote for real leaders. Without naming candidates, the choices we have need to be told what we expect of them when they take the oath of office. We expect them to follow the U.S. Constitution and the laws. We don’t want them to change the laws to suit their personal or political agenda.

Polls are not always right, but they do tell how people are feeling. These also cost a lot of money as well. Time and effort goes into these polls, they are a good guidance, but the only one that really counts is election day.

We need to be aware of potential voter fraud that some candidates depend on to be elected. Any one who is against voter ID should not be voted for. Should not even be running for office.

There is a great deal of money being spent on any election, especially a presidential election. Money that is usually wasted, since only one candidate will win. Why is there so much money being raised for the campaigns? Is it really needed? Could some of this be used better by helping those citizens who really need it? Isn’t that what politicians want?

So they say, but the reality most only want the ego gratification of being elected and having the power to run our country and communities. This is not what “service” means. Serving is to help and assist others, not one’s self and career.

Talk is cheap, political talk is even cheaper. What We the People need is positive action and solutions to the numerous problems we face every day. Results not name calling and a better future for all of us.

Herb Dettmer is a retired Bowling Green resident, U.S. Army veteran and writes this column representing the viewpoint of “Joe Average” citizen. He is freelance writer and author of “Others,” a devotional book. Call or text “Joe” with comments at 419-494-4641.

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