Man damaged trashcan in front of officers, was arrested


When Bowling Green police officers stopped at a red light at the Four Corners around 2:07 a.m. Monday, they observed one male attempting to dislodge a trashcan while another male attempted to stop him.

The male, identified as Tyler Ireland, was able to dislodge the trash can, which landed in the street and spilled several items. Ireland began to walk away at which time officers sounded the airhorn and activated their lights, according to the Bowling Green Police Division report.

The brickwork surrounding the trashcan was also damaged. Ireland initially said the trash can fell on its own until officers told him that they watched him dislodge it. He confessed to doing the damage but added it wasn’t his fault because he thought the trashcan should have been secured better to the sidewalk, according to the report.

Ireland, 22, Toledo, was arrested for criminal damaging and was taken to jail.

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