Groups: United Women Educators


Eleven United Women Educators members met at American Table in Perrysburg on May 18.

Before eating lunch, a very interesting and enjoyable program entitled “Ohio Potpourri” was presented by member, Mary O’Connor. O’Connor compiled an informative handout that contained a list of 26 Ohio State symbols, a list of Great Garden Ohio Trips, a list of 11 Ohio inventors and their inventions, a page of 22 “Crazy and Weird Laws that are Still on the Ohio Books,” and a listing of 18 “firsts” for Ohio, entitled “Ohio Wins.” The speaker explained the various parts of the Ohio Seal, reviewed a number of interesting Ohio symbols such as the Native Fruit which is the Paw Paw, and shared a couple of extra Ohio tidbits, one of which was “Buckeye Chuck”, the official Ohio groundhog.

During the business meeting the minutes of the April meeting were read and approved. Teri Hansen shared the treasurer’s report in the absence of the treasurer. The payment of all bills/receipts for this year’s scholarship mini grant recipients has been completed. The treasurer’s report was then filed for audit.

Joan Slebos asked the membership to be ready to suggest new ideas for programming for next year. The executive board will be working on next year’s programs during the next couple of months.

UWE President Lois Zeh thanked the meeting’s social committee consisting of Kathy Frederick, Jane Milbrodt, and Abe Diehl for providing Ohio shaped sugar cookies as our dessert. Zeh reported that our next UWE meeting will be our annual potluck dinner followed by presentations by our 2023-24 scholarship mini-grant winning teachers.

This meeting will be held on Sept. 19 at 6 p.m. at Bethlehem Lutheran Church fellowship hall in Pemberville.

To conclude the business meeting Zeh shared a funny poem about Ohio weather and then on behalf of the membership, she offered her sincere thanks to all the officers of the UWE, by gifting them with a potted gerbera daisy.

Following the business meeting, several members shared one of their favorite Ohio “Gems” to visit. The following were some that were mentioned: Secrest Arboretum and Pine Tree Barn in Wooster, Beyond Measure Market in Greenwich, Johnson Island near Port Clinton, Annie Oakley Trail from Greenville to Lima area, the three Outdoor Dramas one of which is in New Philadelphia. and the Wood County Historical Museum and grounds.

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