Local students’ artwork on display at Owens


Local high school artists will have their work displayed and judged at Owens Community College’s Center for Fine and Performing Arts Rotunda for the third annual “Passages” High School Juried Art Show.

Students from 11 area schools including Bedford, Fremont Ross, Liberty Center, Otsego, Penta Career Center, Perrysburg, Pike-Delta-York, St. John’s, St. Ursula, Tiffin Columbian and Whitmer submitted artwork in the categories of animation/video, commercial art, fine art (2D & 3D) and photography.

In its three-year history, the art show has nearly doubled in size.

“The first year, we had 100 art pieces submitted and five schools participating,” said Shelby Stoots, manager of the Center for Fine and Performing Arts. “For year 3, almost 200 art pieces were submitted and we now have 11 participating schools.”

The art will be on display through March 29.

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