BG Chamber is accepting scholarship applications


The Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce is accepting applications for its high school scholarship and collegiate scholarship. Both scholarships will award the recipient $2,000.

Application forms and all guidelines are available on the Bowling Green Chamber website at or at the chamber offices located at 217 S. Church St. in Bowling Green.

These scholarships are open to students with an affiliation to a BG Chamber investor. This includes having a parent/guardian or grandparent who works for an investor, student doing an internship with an investor, or if the applicant is an employee or student of an investor. The collegiate scholarship will be awarded to someone attending BGSU or Owens Community College, and the high school scholarship will be awarded to someone who will be attending BGSU. Refer to the application on the chamber website for further criteria requirements.

Applications can be mailed or dropped off to the Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce office or emailed to [email protected] before 5 p.m. on March 8. No late applications will be considered.

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