Members sworn in on BG City Council


Bowling Green City Council on Tuesday kicked off the year by swearing in newly-elected and returning members of council.

“2023 was a busy year,” Mayor Mike Aspacher told council. “I have every reason to believe that ’24 will be equally busy and I look forward to working with all of you to make Bowling Green a better place.”

Newly-elected council member Damon Sherry was sworn in as First Ward representative, succeeding Nick Rubando, who did not run for a second term. Also sworn in were re-elected council members Joel O’Dorisio, representing Ward Two; Third Ward Councilwoman Rachel Phipps; Fourth Ward Councilman Bill Herald; and At-Large Councilman Jeff Dennis.

The council members were sworn in by Bowling Green Municipal Court Judge Mark Reddin.

Afterward, council elected officers. Mark Hollenbaugh was re-elected as council president, and Phipps was chosen as president pro temp.

During lobby visitation, resident Lindsay Jo Durham, a member of the BG Pride organization, welcomed Sherry, who identifies as non-binary and utilizes they/them pronouns, to council.

We look forward to working with you to continue to promote diversity and inclusion in Bowling Green, Durham said.

In other business, council:

• Heard from Municipal Administrator Lori Tretter that council’s draft legislation is now being posted on the city’s website, as requested by council.

• Introduced its annual ordinance authorizing an agreement between the city and the Wood County Regional Airport Authority. According to the legislative package document prepared for council, in 1974 council enacted an ordinance “authorizing the city to share in the costs of operating the Wood County Airport. Each year, the amount of the city support is established by agreement with the” airport authority. The subsidy in the 2024 budget is $30,000, which is the same amount as budgeted in 2023.

• Heard from City Attorney Hunter Brown that, in light of the recent marijuana legalization legislation passed in the state, he is working to make the city’s laws mirror those of the State of Ohio regarding minor misdemeanors.

• Heard from Councilman Greg Robinette who, as chair of council’s finance committee, offered a brief report on successes in 2023. Among the items discussed, Robinette noted that the “BG economic development team has successfully positioned the city as an attractive site for business,” and highlighted legislation passed by council related to the Abbott Labs facility coming to the city. He also took note of the passage of the zoning code update, saying it will make economic development easier and benefit BG citizens for decades to come.

Robinette also noted that the city has made significant progress in paving roads, improving sidewalks and improving utility infrastructure.

“I look forward to more progress in 2024,” he said.

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