Park district adjusts rental rates


The Wood County Park District has updated its rental rates.

In November, the park board addressed rental rules. At the Dec. 12 meeting, the board approved new rental rates that will go into effect in January.

“I think the rules and the fees are incredibly fair and they’re reflective of where everybody is at in regard to not only an expense structure, because we are a business here at the park,” said board Chairman Tom Myers.

Also, when compared to other options, “we’re still an incredible value,” he said.

Park police Chief Steve Thomson reviewed rental rates of similar facilities owned by other agencies within as well as outside the county.

Rental of the shelter houses will go to $50 from $40.

Rental of the Thompson Stone Hall at Otsego Park and Hankison Great Room at W. W. Knight Nature Preserve will be $200 for Wood County residents Monday-Thursday and $500 for Friday-Sunday.

Out of county residents will be charged $250 for Monday-Thursday rentals and $550 for Friday-Sunday usage.

Rentals will require an additional $100 refundable damage deposit.

Rentals on all holidays observed by Wood County government offices will be charged the weekend rate except for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day as there will be no rentals on these days.

Non-profit and service clubs can get one free Monday-Thursday rental per year and must provide 501(c)(3) documentation if asked. Additional rentals will cost $50 for each Monday-Thursday rental thereafter. Full fees apply for Friday-Sunday rentals.

Weekend fees apply if an alcohol permit is purchased with a rental.

Even though rentals don’t generate a ton of revenue, these changes are past due, Myers said.

Board member Wendy Headley asked how often requests to use facilities on Thanksgiving and Christmas are received.

Director Chris Smalley said, years ago there used to be a lot of requests for Thanksgiving.

Part of the reason to have no rentals on the three holidays listed is to allow staff to be home with their family, he said.

“The income we get from that rental does not offset the importance of our staff,” Smalley said.

The board also agreed to a $30,840 agreement with Emerge Inc. for customized reservation system services to organize the use of shelters, facilities and programs.

Emerge Inc. has provided reservation system services for the park district for nearly two decades.

Candace Weis, president of the Friends of the Wood County Parks, reported the group was working on its strategic plan, budget and bylaws.

She also said the Friends were preparing for their 90th anniversary next year.

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