Group News — Garden Group of Women’s Club of Bowling Green


Garden Group of Women’s Club of Bowling Green gathered on Oct. 17 at Wintergarden Lodge for “Biodiversity 101,, a program presented by Cinda Stutzman, City of Bowling Green Natural Resources Manager. Members learned of the history and variety of vegetation encompassed on the parklands of our city and beyond.

President Carol Mowen opened the meeting and members answered roll call by telling of the bulbs they are planting for anticipated spring blooms. Treasurer’s report was given. In Standing Committee Reports, Recycling Chair Jean Ladd followed up her previous report on Earth Breeze, an eco sheet of laundry detergent, sharing that she has discovered it on local grocery store shelves. Jo Vernon reported on the horrific effects that fireworks have on birds. Susan Kurfess distributed a saffron crocus bulb to each member with instructions for propagation of these autumn blooming plants and collection of the threads for cooking.

In new business, OAGC Region 2 meeting will be held on Nov. 2 at St Mark’s Lutheran Church with check in beginning at 8:30 am; program will be from 9:00am – 3:00pm; our group will be supplying breakfast bread products. A discussion was held regarding our annual Christmas donations; hats and mittens for the Deacon’s Shop and Christmas wrapping paper for Crim School will be collected at the December meeting. Hostesses for the evening were Linda Kuhn and Lynette Rosebrook.

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